Kingsbury Manx

SSR 020
Aztec Discipline/Afternoon Owls
Double LP $14 PPD
If you have been holding your breath, waiting for the vinyl release of 2003's (astutely) acclaimed "Aztec Discipline," you may now exhale guiltlessly. We offer some formidable relief. The glorious, dreamy, psych-folk, country-tinged whole of "Aztec Discipline." The full "Afternoon Owls" ep to soothe your insatiable appetites. Each on twelve inches of shiny, black 140 gram vinyl. There are some things worth waiting for. We have a hunch this might be one of them.

SSR 012
Restless Minds / Drift Off
7" $4 PPD
You are a Kingsbury Manx fan. Or you will be, moments into the A-side when the unqualified greatness that exemplifies most of the Manx discography pinches you into submission. The Manx deft skill at gracefully weaving a 60's folk-pop sensibility into a modern sensibility is only matched by their ability to create a sound wholly original. The words "prodigious" and "talent" come to mind.

Sit-n-Spin Records — 118 Estes Drive — Carrboro, NC 27510 — 919-933-1124 —