SSR 030
Keep your eyes open for new opportunities to enrich your spin.
Erie Choir
Slighter Awake
CD $10 PPD
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Purchase CD

SSR 029
Don't be afraid of the long way around.
North Elementary
Weeble Wobble Sound Series Vol. 3
7" $4 PPD
more >>
Purchase 7 inch

SSR 028
Don't be surprised if you find the experience hard to classify.
Cub Country
Lucky Knife
7" $4 PPD
more >>
Purchase 7 inch

SSR 027
It's okay to be seduced by melancholy from time to time.
Hotel Lights
more >>
Purchase CDEP

SSR 026
Good spins often come in sets of three.
North Elementary
The Weeble Wobble Sound Series 2
7" $4 PPD
more >>
Purchase 7 inch

SSR 025
Keep an eye on the past. It makes the future more interesting.
Michael Holland
Tomorrows American Treasures
CD $10 PPD
more >>

SSR 024
Don't be afraid of approaching the edge. Betters spins may lurk on the other side.
The Nein / Cantwell Gomez & Jordan
7" $4 PPD
more >>

SSR 023
For variety, add a little spice to an old spin.
North Elementary
7" $4 PPD
more >>

SSR 022
A Spin May Be A Small Part Of A Much Longer Journey
Choose Your Own Adventure
The Long Defeat
more >>

SSR 021
Trust Yourself; First Impressions Are Usually Right.
North Elementary
Lose Your Favorite Things
CD $10 PPD
more >>

SSR 020
Don't forget to hold on; you're in for one hell of a ride.
Kingsbury Manx
Aztec Discipline/Afternoon Owls
Double LP $14 PPD
more >>

SSR 019
Expand Your Horizons.
Sorry About Dresden / Cold Sides
split 7" $4 PPD
more >>

SSR 018
Regular Spinning Might Prove Addictive.
North Elementary
Out of Phase
CD $10 PPD
more >>

SSR 017
Do not repress feelings of hostility or aggression. If necessary, scream.
Ghost of Rock
7" $4 PPD
more >>

SSR 016
Circling motion may serve as metaphor for life.
Rodeo Boy
The Pine and Promise
CD $10 PPD
more >>

SSR 015
Studies show regular spinning may increase intellect.
Choose Your Own Adventure
La Mancha
CD $10 PPD
more >>

SSR 014
Prolonged whirling can simulate something like a "natural high."
Bumblebee / Shining Eyes / 1:30
7" Picture Disc $4 PPD
more >>

SSR 013
To lessen likelihood of motion sickness, please do not attempt the Sit 'n' Spin for at least forty-five minutes following a meal.

SSR 012
Familiarize yourself with the many features of your Sit 'n' Spin.
Kingsbury Manx
Restless Minds / Drift Off
7" $4 PPD
more >>

SSR 011
Do not be alarmed by feelings of lightheadedness.
Science Kit
7 Times Around
CD $10 PPD
more >>

SSR 010
Always anticipate your second wind.
Rodeo Boy
How Is It Where You Are?
CD $10 PPD
more >>

SSR 009
Experienced spinners may attempt a one-handed turn here.
The Godrays
Well Composed Death Notice
more >>

SSR 008
Get A New Perspective On An Old Favorite.
Rodeo Boy / The Godrays
Excuse Me Do You Know What Time It Is?
split 7" $4 PPD
more >>

SSR 007
Facing forward is highly recommended.
Analogue / Cruise Control Pills
split 7" $4 PPD
more >>

SSR 006
For greatest satisfaction, maintain a steady pace.
The Godrays
Songs For TV Stars
more >>

SSR 005
Keep a close eye on point of origin.
Rodeo Boy
And the Streets Did Shrink
CD $10 PPD   LP $8 PPD
more >>
Purchase CD

Purchase LP

SSR 004
Gradually increase speed.

SSR 003
Using both hands, turn wheel.

SSR 002
Adjust for comfort. Assume modified lotus position with legs wrapped around center "spinning column."

SSR 001
Stand relaxed, feet on either side of rotating platform. Carefully lower yourself onto the Sit 'n' Spin.

Sit-n-Spin Records — 118 Estes Drive — Carrboro, NC 27510 — 919-933-1124 —